What do you know about change?
Qualsafe Awards ILM Qualifications

What do you know about change?

When it comes to change, how confident are you that you understand change and you know how to implement change successfully in your workplace? Do you know how your teams may react to change and how to win them over? Change can often lead to fear and a number of other barriers that may prevent us from implementing that change so it is important that we know what those barriers may be and how to overcome them. We have put together a free short quiz so that you can test yourself on your change knowledge!

Don’t worry, the quiz is only 10 questions long and should only take you 10 minutes to complete. The great news is that by clicking on the link below, it will take you to the quiz and we have also given you access to 2 free lessons on “understanding change in the workplace”. No catch, just click the link below – you will only need to insert your name and email address and then you are in:


Let us know your thoughts on the blog comments box, we’d love to hear from you!

If you would like to study change as a formal unit why not consider taking our ILM online course in Leadership and Team Skills. You will study both understanding change in the workplace and leading your work team. Click the link below to access this excellent for value money course:


For more detail contact us on info@professional-futures.com

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