What do you know about Critical Path Analysis?
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What do you know about Critical Path Analysis?

Critical path analysis sounds like some massively complicated surgical procedure when actually it is a fairly straight forward tool to use when managing and planning a project. And, quite often, we do this kind of analysis without realising – whether it is planning a wedding, a big dinner party or a work based project

Short Quiz

So I thought it would be fun for you to test your knowledge of what Critical path analysis is and I have put together a free short quiz to see what you know.

Don’t worry, the quiz is only 10 questions long and should only take you 10 minutes to complete.

To access the quiz just click the link below – you will only need to insert your name and email address and then you are in:


Project Management Workshop

If you’ve enjoyed taking this quiz and would like to find out more, why not join us on our 3-day Project Management Workshop which covers this and many other related topics?

For more information contact Marie O’Donnell at Marie@professional-futures.com.

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